Purpose:This course is designed for participants to gain the necessary knowledge required to pass work safe exami- nation to obtain a certificate of competency.
Pre-requisite: Participants shall hold Intermediate Rigging/Slinging certificate and sufficient experience in offshore rigging operations prior taking this training.
Course Content:
- Rigger duties and responsibilities
- Terms and definitions of various lifting/rigging terminology
- Introduction to various types of slings (webbing slings, wire rope slings and chain slings)
- Pre-use inspection of various types of slings
- Rejection criteria of lifting accessories
- Types of lifting hitches
- Sling angles
- Determining the slings capacity
- Types of Shackles, eye bolts and hooks, chain block, turn buckles and their inspection
- Proper lifting techniques
- Common lifting hazards
- Communication and Hand Signals during Lifting
- Hazards associated with cranes operation
- Practical Session
- Assessment
Certification: Barron International will issue Certificate of Training in Intermediate Advanced Rigging/Slinging for successful participants.
Method of Training: Combined theory and practical with performance and written assessment.
Maximum participants: 12 persons

Key Information
Accrediting Body: PT BARRON Int.
Course Duration: 3 Days
Course Validity: 3 Years
Course Venue: Bogor
Investment Course: Rp. 5.500.000,-
Upcoming Dates
See more on our schedule
There are no scheduled dates for this course at this time. If you would like to attend this course please contact us at +622517538490 or email marketing@barron.co.id to arrange a date that suits your needs
Brochure & Registration
Registration in Bogor
Other Course Dates
Tropical – Basic Offshore Safety Induction Emergency Training
08-Apr-2019 – 12-Apr-2019
Sea Survival
08-Apr-2019 – 10-Apr-2019
Barron International provides training advanced rigging slinging Indonesia. Expected participants are any rigger who is willing to be certified as Juru Ikat Lanjutan according to Kemenaker Indonesia.