Purpose: This course is design and conducted to ensure fire warden are knowledgeable about their duties and responsibilities of fire prevention and emergency response in workplace.
Pre-requisite: There are no pre-requisite for this course.
Course Content:
- Introduction of Fire
- Identify common fire hazards and how to prevent them
- The role of fire warden in evacuation process
- How to use fire extinguisher and hydrant
Certification: BARRON International will issue Certificate of Training in Fire Warden for successful participants.
Method of Training: Combined theory and practical completed with performance assessment.
Maximum participants: 16 persons

Key Information
Accrediting Body: PT BARRON Int.
Course Duration: 1 Day
Course Validity: 3 Years
Course Venue: Bogor
Investment Course: Rp. 1.500.000,-
Upcoming Dates

See more on our schedule
There are no scheduled dates for this course at this time. If you would like to attend this course please contact us at +622517538490 or email marketing@barron.co.id to arrange a date that suits your needs
Brochure & Registration

Registration in Bogor
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