Purpose: This course is design for participants to gain the necessary skills to plan, prepare and complete basic scaffolding work in accordance to British Standard as per BS Code of practice BS EN 12811-1:2003.
Pre-requisite: There are no pre-requisite for this course
Course Content:
- Duties of scaffolders
- Bends and hitches, splicing
- Fall arrest system
- Planning the job
- Classification of scaffold
- Selection of scaffold design
- Scaffold tag system
- Mobile scaffolding
- Scaffold ties
- Working platform Access & Egress
- Positioning of scaffold
- Building the scaffold
- Erecting the scaffold
- Dismantling the scaffold
- Tube and coupler
- Barrow ramps
- Ginny wheels
Certification: Barron International will issue Certificate of Training in Basic Scaffolding for successful participants.
Method of Training: Combined theory and practical completed with performance and written assessment
Maximum participants: 20 persons

Key Information
Accrediting Body: PT BARRON Int.
Course Duration: 3 Days
Course Validity: 3 Years
Course Venue: Bogor
Investment course: Rp. 3.500.000,-
Upcoming Dates
See more on our schedule
There are no scheduled dates for this course at this time. If you would like to attend this course please contact us at +622517538490 or email marketing@barron.co.id to arrange a date that suits your needs
Brochure & Registration
Registration in Bogor