Purpose: This training is aimed at those involved in inspection of wire rope.
Aims and outcomes: As a result of attending this course, participants will:
- Gain knowledge of legal requirements, employer/employee obligations and responsibilities, and safe working practices related to operational of mechanical lifting
- Undertake identification and pre-use inspection of lifting equipment
- Develop and select appropriate lifting equipment for various lifting operations
- Demonstrate knowledge of force influences for various sling configurations.
Pre-requisites: There are no pre requisites for this course.
Course content:
- Definitions & Terminology
- Regulations, Standards, and Legal Requirements, including the Health & Safety at Work Act, LOLER, PUWER, Supply of Machinery (safety) Regulations, and recognized codes of practice
- Principles for the selection of Lifting Equipment. Marking, storage and handling, pre-use inspection, assessing the operation and certification
- Slinging methods, design of slings, choosing the right sling for the job, consideration of he different types of slings available, the advantages and disadvantages of each
- Force influences – how to calculate the forces present in slings and other lifting equipment under given loading conditions, considerations of the “uniform load” and “trigonometric rating of slings”.
- Guidance on the estimation of loads of unknown weight and slinging practical
- Slinging accessories – hooks, sortening clutches, rigging screws, wire rope grips, etc.
Certification: BARRON International will issue Certificate of Training in Intermediate Rigging/Slinging for successful participants.
Method of Training: Training will be carried out in accordance with the code of practice for the safe use of lifting equipment, closed by written assessments.
Maximum participants: 12 persons.

Key Information
Accrediting Body: PT BARRON Int.
Course Duration: 2 Days
Course Venue: Bogor
Investment Course: By request
Upcoming Dates
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There are no scheduled dates for this course at this time. If you would like to attend this course please contact us at +622517538490 or email marketing@barron.co.id to arrange a date that suits your needs
Brochure & Registration
Registration in Bogor
Other Course Dates
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